Brisbane - the Sunshine City, is the most populous city in Queensland, Australia. It is located in the eastern part of Australia, with the Sunshine Coast on the north edge, and the international tourist attraction Gold Coast City in the south. It is the third-largest metropolis in Australia, only behind Sydney and Melbourne.
Brisbane has a warm and welcoming climate all year round. When visiting Brisbane, you can also take a tour to the world heritage, the Great Barrier Reef, and enjoy its magnificent scenery.
Relevant Website:
Sydney - the capital city of New South Wales, is located on the southeast coast of Australia and is Australia’s most densely populated city. Sydney is an international tourist destination, famous for its Sydney Opera House, Darling Harbour, Sydney Harbour Bridge and beaches. It also hosted the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and is Australia’s most well-known city.
Relevant Website:
Melbourne - with its elegant appearance, is known as the cultural capital of Australia. In 2016, it was picked by The Economist as the world’s most livable city for six consecutive years. Located in Victoria, Australia’s east coast, Melbourne is also the capital city of Victoria and the second-largest city in Australia after Sydney.
Relevant Website:
Adelaide - the capital city of South Australia, is the fifth largest city in Australia. It is also the commercial and cultural centre of South Australia. Adelaide not only has world-class wineries, but its city is also filled with green spaces and picturesque European-style architecture that was left behind during the colonial period.
Relevant Website:
Perth - the capital city of Western Australia, is Australia’s fourth-largest city with a pleasant Mediterranean climate. It has large living spaces and a comfortable and pleasant living environment. It was voted the seventh place on the list of the world’s most livable cities in 2015.
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1 of 7澳洲北領地最大城達爾文(Darwin),也是北領地的首府,是澳洲本地原住民最集中的城市。達爾文氣候終年高溫,平均最低氣溫15℃,而其一年中只分為雨季和旱季,降雨率最高月份為12-3月。北領地中其他知名景點如卡卡杜國家公園與愛麗絲泉,皆為不可錯過的自然與原住民文化藝術饗宴。
2 of 7南澳首府阿德雷德(Adelaide),是澳洲第五大城市,也是南澳的商業與文化中心,同時也是一座充滿優雅文化氣息的城市。阿德雷德不僅擁有世界級的酒莊,其城市周圍也充滿了綠地,以及殖民時期留下的如畫一般的歐洲風格式建築。
3 of 7 荷巴特(Hobart)是澳洲本土南方小島,塔斯馬尼亞州的首府,是僅次於雪梨的澳洲第二古老城市。荷巴特氣候四季分明,市區景色精緻,並擁有知名現代藝術美術館Mona。塔斯馬尼亞島本身又有小紐西蘭之稱,全島約40%土地被正式列為國家公園、自然保護區或世界自然遺產,是澳洲所有省份中自然生態被保護的最完整的一州。 4 of 7 墨爾本(Melbourne)座落於澳洲東岸維多利亞省,同時也是維多利亞的首府,是澳洲境內僅次於雪梨的第二大城市。市容優雅的墨爾本,被譽為澳洲的文化首都,在2016年連續6年被經濟學人雜誌選為全世界最適合居住的城市的稱號。 5 of 7新南威爾斯州的首府雪梨(Sydney),位在澳洲東南沿海地區,是澳洲人口密度最高的城市。雪梨是國際旅遊勝地,以雪梨歌劇院、達令港、港灣大橋與海灘等聞名,也曾在2000年舉辦過雪梨奧運,可謂是澳洲最知名的城市。
6 of 7 陽光城市布里斯本(Brisbane),是澳洲昆士蘭州內人口最多的城市。其位於澳洲本土的東部,北緣陽光海岸, 南鄰國際觀光勝地黃金海岸市,是澳洲人口第三大的都會,僅次於雪梨及墨爾本。布里斯本氣候全年溫暖宜人,來拜訪布里斯本時也不妨一遊名列世界遺產的大堡礁,飽覽其壯闊風光。 7 of 7我們的服務
Our Services
DJ Student Services於2015年於澳洲珀斯成立,經過6年的努力,我們於北橋設立了屬於我們的店面,同時也打造了專業的團隊,為澳洲境內外的學生提供面對面及線上諮詢服務。我們期望未來在澳洲各主要城市、台灣、香港及中國等地設立分部為境外學生提供更直接更全面的留學諮詢服務。
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Unit 4&5/91 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge, WA, Australia 6003